They say you should write the book
you want to read - so I did!

I wanted a book that I could easily pick up and put down that would support me and encourage me and help me navigate life's challenges.
But I didn't just write it for me - I wrote it for you too.
Because we're all travellers on the journey of life.
And as I say on page 3:
We are each living what American Professor of literature and acclaimed author Joseph Campbell coined 'The Hero's Journey'.
Every one of us is called, everyone us is tested and every one of us has the potential to be transformed by our experiences.
But there is no map - we each have to find our own way.
Change is certain - but it's also confronting and scary. We all have to manage it and at times, instigate it, but many of us do reluctantly and ineffectively.
And we suffer for it, damaging our relationships, our self-esteem, and the chance to live a happy, meaningful and satisfying life.
Easy to read with warmth and wisdom, FIND YOUR WAY enables the reader to feel seen, validated and nurtured.
Turn to any page for the insights and supportive guidance needed to begin adapting to whatever change you are going through.
Overcome confusion, doubt, and helplessness and move into acceptance, courage and compassion.

Find Your Way is a compilation of reminders distilled from years of journeying with my eyes and heart open – observing, listening, reflecting, learning and letting go.
Reminders that have helped me overcome confusion, doubt, helplessness and overwhelm, and assisted me to move into acceptance, courage and consciousness while guiding me to face my challenges honestly and with greater compassion.
Wherever you are on the journey, it is my hope that this book will prompt insights and bring you the clarity and oomph you need to keep opening, keep changing, keep going and keep growing.
May it bring you back to you - the one who knows you better than anyone else; the one with the power to choose and the power to change your experience of life for the better.