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Journey to Joy eBook
  • Journey to Joy eBook

    Last year I found myself in a rut...and this eBook is what happened when I set myself a mission:

    to find out more about JOY and how I could increase my chances of finding it and feeling it.

    Every day for the month of February I shared something big or small that I discovered about JOY on my social media pages. And this book is a culmination of those findings and musings.

    Throughout the book you’ll see the words PAUSE & PONDER.

    This is an invitation for you to reflect on what you’ve just read, giving you the chance to explore your own mind and heart for insights and understanding. And all the prompts are designed to take to your journal and help uplift, inspire and encourage you to reconnect with your JOY.


      I believe our becoming - the evolutionary journey we are each on - is the truest measure of personal success we can achieve.

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      Seeker & Sage 2023
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